Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The incredible, edible plum

Hangovers....stomach flu....morning sickness....eczema

Who in your family can't benefit from the healing power of the umeboshi plum?

My first experience with ume plum vinegar came through my good friend Lauren who gave me a delicious recipe for
pressed salad many years ago. The salty, briny vinegar is a stand out flavor that I soon wanted to add to every salad I ate. Not just tasty, ume plums have been used as medicinal remedies in Japan and China for centuries.

Here is a great article on the health benefit highlights of ume plums.

You can see how I use it on a summer salad that I recently prepared for Mother's Day.
And if you really want to experience something amazing (or you are really hungover/ill) take yourself to Teaism and order the plum ochazuke. It is the the most soothing meal I have ever consumed in all of Washington DC. They float whole ume plums in the soup from which you will suck the briny flesh. There are no words for that kind of flavor experience. Just look at its glory.

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